Thursday, 7 March 2013

Analysing Film openings

Analysing Film openings

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Opening

We will be analysing the opening of 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo'

The type of opening of this film is a Discrete Title sequence. This is because Discrete title sequences are sequences which are separately edited and that stand well from the film opening. They are stylised and edited alot, and they support nearly all of the opening credits and film title. Also the opening of this film includes a title sequence where we see the title and the credits appear over the main opening of the film this is when the film begins. Majority of films use credits and titles through out the beginning of the film. 

The camera is used in number of different ways through out the opening of this film. For example many close ups are used such as extreme close ups and big close ups. These close ups may be used in order to keep the audience interested and engaged. Another way the camera is used is tracking. This is where the camera is moving along, as it is following a moving subject. In addition the camera is also panning which means that it is on a fixed point, swivelling left or right. 

The way in which this film opening is edited is very good and this helps the audience stay focussed on it. There are many ways in which this opening was edited. For example there are many transitions used, which means effects added (during the opening). The effects used were objects fading into a black and deep blue colour indicating something scary or bad is about to happen. Another example of how this film opening is very well edited is because it uses slow and fast motion. In addition many flashbacks are used to create suspense.

The sound that was used during the opening of the film opening 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' was very helpful in making sure the audience stay interested, focussed and engaged. This is because non diegetic sound was used which means sound is added in post production such as sound effects. A bit of sound bridge might be said to also be used in this opening as there is a screaming sound which has a tune to it, throughout the opening along with music with it. Finally many sound effects are used to create excitement for the audience such as bangs, crashes, screaming etc. 

Mise en scene

-Body language
The body language of the two crystal characters in the opening of this film seems to come across as a bit spooky. This is due to their slow movement and of course the obvious of which they are not actual humans. 

It is difficult to say where exactly the setting of this film opening is based as it comes across as a blur. 

No props

The lighting of this opening was not of good quality as it was dark which made it very difficult to see what was going.

No costume

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