Thursday, 7 March 2013

Analysing thriller film posters

Analysing thriller film posters - Inception

This film poster is very obvious that it is of a thriller film.
The atmosphere of the picture comes across as chaotic. There seems to have been an explosion taken place. The audience can tell because there are parts of what could possibly be a building splattered everywhere with people falling all over the place. It all seems very dramatic and full of action, which engages the audience.
The colours of this poster are also not very bright, it is a dark and gloomy atmosphere giving an intense feeling. He is holding a gun which automatically symbolises that the film is full of action. His smart clothing gives the audience the idea that he is professional and makes the film look more serious.
Then the title of the film is in bright red which grabs attention because it is the only bright thing on the poster. The red also symbolises blood shed. Another way of getting the audience's attention is putting Leonardo Di Caprio's name very clearly above everything else, as he is well known, it encourages people to watch the film. Just above the title it says "From the director of the Dark Knight", as this film was very successful, it is written in bold so that the audience feels this will then definitely be another very successful film.
The slogan at the top is short and sharp, and feels the audience's head with questions about what the film could possibly be about. Also because it contradicts itself, "The dream is real".

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